About Us

Our Mission at Douglass Park Elementary School

The DPES family promotes a schoolwide academic policy that supports a student-centered community where students develop academic, social, and personal skills that will enable appropriate interaction in a safe and orderly environment.

DPES is a Title I school. Title I grant supports student academic achievement and helps all students in schools receiving Title I funding meet the objectives of the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) and abide by the guidelines within the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) now Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Enrollment is approximately 530 students and teacher-student ratio is approximately 1:21.

We currently have the RESET program after school which is funded through the
Virginia Department of Education. (VDOE)

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a schoolwide approach to make schools safer and improve student behavior as we foster de-escalation and reflect on negative behaviors. As school leaders we strive to protect instructional time everyday. We use behavioral data to assist teachers and students in the alignment of navigating interventions that support the PBIS model throughout the school year.

Breakfast in the Classroom: Breakfast in the classroom upon arrival to school. Gives every student an opportunity to start their day with a healthy breakfast everyday.

We are working to return the specially prepared PTA programs to our school. Each month we have parent workshops and events that are prepared solely for our parents led by our Parent Family Engagement Liaison .  Our goal is to have staff at 100% PTA membership and we challenge our parents and community to do the same. Membership dues are $6 per family. Our parents and staff will be able to join electronically using https://www.memberhub.com/

We are always encouraging volunteers. Your support is appreciated.

We look forward to partnering with you in order to provide a wonderful and positive learning opportunity for our students at DPES.

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